This information could change veterinary medicine forever!
Published: Thu, 04/26/18
Dear Pet Parent,We are still in the heart of spring and this means we see lots of problems related to liver imbalances. One of the most common liver…
Healthy, happy, and holistic pet care tips from Dr. Natalie!
Published: Thu, 04/26/18
Dear Pet Parent,We are still in the heart of spring and this means we see lots of problems related to liver imbalances. One of the most common liver…
Published: Thu, 04/05/18
Dear Pet Parent, Spring is in full force, the trees are blooming, the birds are singing and the pollen has blanketed everything in sight. As most of…
Published: Wed, 04/04/18
If the link in the last email didn't work, try this one: The Truth About Pet CancerLearn natural therapies for pet cancer…
Published: Wed, 04/04/18
The Truth About Pet CancerLearn natural therapies for pet cancer from respected holistic veterinarians in 1 hour.1st FREE Documentary Episode9 PM EST…
Published: Thu, 03/01/18
It's Time for Spring Cleaning! Dear Pet Parent,Spring has sprung! This is one of my favorite times of year! This is the time, we can all hit the reset…
Published: Thu, 02/01/18
Dear Pet Parent, Does your pet suffer from an iety, restlessness and pacing, especially in the evening hours?Does your pet struggle with hindlimb…
Published: Thu, 01/11/18
Dear Pet Parent,In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) seasons and seasonal changes are e tremely important for proper Qi "Chi" flow through the body.
Published: Thu, 12/14/17
Dear Pet Parent, The holidays are in full swing and we are counting our blessings! In a world where corporations are infringing and monopolizing the…
Published: Thu, 11/30/17
Dear Pet Parent,Has your pet ever looked at the food bowl hoping for something different but quickly realizes they are just getting the same processed…
Published: Thu, 11/16/17
Dear Pet Parent,Can you believe Thanksgiving is ne t week? I don't know about you guys, but we feel this year has just flown by. It's hard to believe…