Is Colostrum right for your pet?

Published: Thu, 09/07/17

Dear Pet Parent, 

Colostrum has been all the buzz as of late. Why is it that this ancient medicine is hitting the scenes during a modern era? We are a society in dire need of healing our gut and immune systems. Autoimmune diseases and inflammatory conditions are on the rise. Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine said "All Disease begins in the gut." 

Our pets are mere reflections of our own health and crises. If we want to see our fur babies well, we have got to nourish the digestion and what greater time of year to do this, than now, during the Earth element's time of year. 

What is Colostrum?
Colostrum is the first milk produced by a mother for her baby to boost the infant's immune system. However, this infant formula is not just needed by babies, it is beneficial for all stages of life. Before antibiotics, bovine colostrum was used as the primary treatment against infections. Over the years there has been much research of this fascinating anti-bacterial, anti-viral, immune boosting compound. 

I have been using and treating my patients with a form of Colostrum for over 15 years! Every year, I fall more in love with this fascinating form of medicine. However, earlier this summer I was introduced to a high quality bio-available form of Colostrum. I am so excited to be able to bring this to my patients. While Colostrum is known for it's ability in healing and sealing leaking gut, it has many other wonderful benefits. 

This bioavailable superfood contains over 280 components that perform many different healing actions in the body. You can conveniently buy colostrum for your pet on my website right now!

What are Colostrum's benefits?  

1. Helps protect and heal the GI tract and stomach lining 
  • contains immune factors, immunoglobulins, lactoferrin and antibodies which destroy harmful bacteria
  • reduces inflammation and stimulates the natural immune defenses to restore/repair the leaks in the gut lining.
2. Retrains the immune system to operate perfectly
  • in cases of ALLERGIES and AUTO-IMMUNE DISEASE, it will down-regulate the immune system
  • in cases of immune weakness or suppression it will up-regulate the immune system.  
3. Helps restore the body's ability to heal itself
  • Contains growth factors that REVERSE damage so the body can renew itself
4. Acts as a natural antibiotic- It helps destroy harmful pathogens and fight infection...safely
  • ​​​​​​​A healthy gut has a ratio of 80% good/beneficial bacteria and 20% bad/harmful bacteria. In cases of Leaky Gut Syndrome, this ratio is reversed with 80% harmful bacteria and 20% good bacteria. A healthy number of good/beneficial bacteria is necessary for life, when this number drops below 15% the body cannot survive. 
5. Acts as a safe, powerful, natural pain reliever 
  • Lactoferrin has potent anti-inflammatory effects
6. Stimulates the regrowth of damaged tissue, cartilage, bone and blood cells
7. Speeds recovery after exercise or injury
8. Helps increase muscle strength and stamina
9. Stimulates wound healing
  • Can be used topically to reduce inflammation and infection of wounds while growth factors stimulate new tissue growth
10. Fights Cancer
  • contains cytokines, interleukins and interferon which increase natural killer (NK) cells and direct the body to attack abnormal or cancer cells
11. Increases mental clarity
  • increases the production of serotonin and dopamine in the brain
  • stimulates neural cell proliferation in the brain
12. Accelerates Cellular and DNA repair
  • This is a much needed factor as we have been astounded by the amount of chromosomal damage that we have been detecting on our patients' bioscans.  
13. Burns fat and increases metabolism 
14. Aids in the treatments of Diabetes Mellitus Types 1 and 2
  • contains growth factors that regulate blood glucose and cholesterol 
15. Stimulates the endocrine system to continue producing Growth Hormone 
  • Growth factor is needed in the body's fight to stay strong and youthful 
This exciting form of Colostrum is the only bioavailable colostrum on the market! Colostrum LD is processed using a method called Liposomal Delivery method in which a coating of cell membrane lipids are applied to the colostrum which allows it to dissolve easily into liquids. This method also allows it to bypass the digestive process so that the colostrum flows directly through the bowel wall as originally intended, into the bloodstream, where it reaches the immune system and organs and cells. 

If you think your pet could benefit from this powerful supplement, please contact us today or buy it from our online store now!
Be Well,
Give your pet the benefits of Colostrum-LD
Get the only bioavailable colostrum on the market! It's clinically proven, the world's highest quality, and an effective liposomal delivery solution for pets.
Click the button to order now or tell Dr. Natalie that you want Colostrum for your pet on your next visit.
Bring your pet for a visit.
Wellbeing Medicine for Animals
3557 Cahaba Beach Rd
Birmingham, AL 35242
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​By Appointment Only

Call (205) 637-6653 to schedule an appointment.