The secret life of lymph

Published: Fri, 08/18/17

Dear Pet Parent,

All of us here at Well Being Medicine are pleased to announce that we are back in business and getting prepared for fall. As most of you know we are just settling in from a much needed vacation out west. This time of year in the south can be very tiring. If you or your pet are feeling exhausted, it's not your imagination. Your qi and/or lymph is feeling stagnated or congested. Moving to a higher elevation at this time of year can do wonders this congestion. Higher elevations and arid temperatures lessen the downward pull on lymph. 

This discovery came after many years of questioning. When I was younger and playing sports, I had a difficult time understanding why my body would feel slow, heavy and damp at this time of year. All activity seemed so much more difficult. I tired easily. My legs would feel like stone pillars and lifting my arms was a chore. These symptoms were confusing, especially since I would spend all year getting in shape, only to end the season burned out and exhausted. It wasn't until I learned about Traditional Chinese Medicine, TCM, that I started putting the pieces of the puzzle together.


  • Summer :The season of fire and earth. In previous emails we discussed the function of the Fire/heart element and the Earth/digestion element but we have not discussed one of the key links between the two:
  • The Lymphatic System: The lymphatic system is composed of an intricate system of vessels and tissues including the lymph nodes, spleen and thymus.
  • The PrimoVascula​​​​​​​r System: Most recently, it has been discovered that qi is actually a lymphatic fluid carrying stem cells through the acupuncture meridians. Yes, lymph is responsible for carrying stem cells!

  • Lymphatic Vessels: These vessels are different than the arteries and veins in that there is no central pump. Lymph vessels produce their own propulsion system through their lining of smooth muscle which pulsates slowly like a gentle wave washing over cells and tissues. Lymph flow relies on compression from muscles and strong blood circulation to stimulate movement throughout the body. The above picture illustrates the upward movement of lymph into the circulatory system.

  • The Primary function of Lymph:
  1. One of the most important functions of lymph is its role in the acupuncture meridians. As we've mentioned before, in a recent scientific discovery, lymph is responsible for carrying stem cells throughout the body via the acupuncture meridians, aka primovascular system.Through the insertion of acupuncture needles at designated points or gates, the lymph is guided specifically to nourish one or more organ system(s). 
  2. The lymph returns proteins and excess interstitial fluid to the bloodstream. 
  3. The lymph transports fats from the digestive system (the lacteals) to the bloodstream. 
  4. The lymph also houses the white blood cells or the body's army men, to fight against invaders. This lymph is linked with blood and saliva and is our first line and main line of immune defense. 
  5.  The lymph also traps bacteria and other foreign invaders and carries them to the lymph nodes to be destroyed by the white blood cells.

So why is this information so important? 

Since adding the bioscan tests to our tool box, we have been detecting lymphatic congestion in over 70% of our patients tested! In TCM, lymphatic congestion is viewed as Phelgm-Damp congestion. Phlegm- Damp congestion is the pattern most associated with cancer formation.  While this is an easy pattern to detect in advanced cases, the bioscan tests are allowing us to detect and correct this imbalance before it poses a serious threat. 

What is causing this lymphatic congestion? 

  1. Unfortunately, one of the number one causes of lymphatic congestion is over stimulation of the lymph fluid from repeat vaccinations. Most of you already understand the importance of titer testing. However, we encourage you to reach out to friends and family regarding this topic as you could save another pet's life. 
  2. Secondly, the congestion occurs in response to toxins and chemicals (heartworm, flea/tick preventatives) food additives and other harmful environmental substances that our pets are exposed to throughout their lifetime. We understand that in the south, some of these chemicals are needed, even if short term, however, it is crucial that we are using herbs and acupuncture to help the body detox normally. It's the retention of these chemicals that results in congestion. 
  3. Parasites
  4. Leaky Gut Syndrome - poor gut bacteria - leading to inflammation, leaky gut, bacterial and yeast overgrowth
  5. Lack of exercise
  6. Improper diet or treats especially those that contains mucous forming foods such as processed dairy, eggs, grains or peanut butter, as well as preservatives and food coloring.

What is the best way to treat and prevent lymphatic congestion:

  1. Exercise : Since the lymphatic vessels do not have their own pump, exercise keeps the lymph flowing properly through the vessels and upward to the circulatory system.
  2. Deep breathing : In pets this would be initiated from intense or short burst exercises such as fetching, agility, fly ball or any exercise in which the diaphragm is engaged, again resulting in an upward movement of lymph to return to the circulatory system. 
  3.  Regular massage: This is a great practice to work into your regular routine with your fur baby. Studies have even shown that gentle stimulation to a cat's fur (from self-grooming or gentle massage) increases the white blood cell count which strengthens the immune system. This is the result of moving the lymphatics!
  4. Acupuncture : Either regularly or even quarterly will keep the lymph flowing properly through the primovascular system therefore generating the body's natural defense mechanisms.
  5. Qi tonics: This class of herbs is among my favorites. There are many qi tonics and combinations, most of which are stimulating, warm and sweet. These herbs strengthen the body and help with the upward movement of lymph!
  6. Western herbs: There are many western herbs that are powerful blood and lymph cleansers. These work well when combined with qi tonics.
  7. Foods: There are certain foods that will help drain dampness and therefore improve lymphatic congestion:  celery, watercress, turnip, pumpkin, alfalfa sprouts, button mushrooms, radish, caper.brown rice, barley, amaranth, rye, oats, legumes, kidney beans, adzuki beans, lentils.small amount of lean organic meat, poultry and fish, tuna. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​
    • In  home prepared meals, grains are sometimes warranted for certain conditions. Grains may also be used during late summer and early fall to strengthen spleen qi which in turn, strengthens the lymphatic system. 
While I know this is a lot of information to take in, I hope this will shed some light on the micro and primo vascular systems aka The Lymphatic System and will give you all a better understanding on what's going on behind the curtains in your pet's body!
Be well, 
Get Inflapotion for Your Pet
Inflapotion™ tincture is a 100% organic herbal remedy that contains herbs traditionally used to relieve everyday Inflamation and improve lymphatic flow. 
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