'Tis the Season for Bone Broth

Published: Thu, 01/12/17

Dear Pet Parent,

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) seasons and seasonal changes are extremely important for proper Qi "Chi" flow through the body. In the cooler seasons we want to bring yin and yang inward and in the warmer seasons, we want to bring yin and yang outward.

However, in the south, winters may vary. Just last weekend we had freezing rain and snow while this weekend we will see temperatures reaching the mid 70's.

These quick fluctuations in temperature and climate negatively affect the yin and yang balance in the body. Therefore, it is best to feed foods that nourish yin and anchor yang deep within the body during this time of year.

The foods recommended for this season nourish the kidneys, bones and marrow. In TCM, the kidneys are the ROOT OF LIFE. If we want to reduce the effects of aging, we must begin here.

Think of foods that are naturally grown in this season - squashes, potatoes, root vegetables, winter greens, carrots, cabbage, mushrooms, apples and pears. It is best to prepare these vegetables as stews or soups using a stock base, specifically bone broth.  It is also recommended to add a small amount of sea salt. Salt has a sinking action and will help guide the food inward to nourish the kidneys. I notice my desire for salty foods increases with the cold weather.

Many articles are written about bone broth and feeding it regularly. While we do believe bone broth is extremely beneficial for your pet, this is the BEST time to make it. Remember, there is a season for everything.

Here is one easy BONE BROTH RECIPE  that I have been using for over 10 years.
Bone Broth Recipe

  • 1-2 pounds duck, chicken, turkey bones (or 2 large beef marrow or knuckle bones) 
  • Filtered or purified water, to cover
  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar or lemon juice (1/2 lemon) 
  • Handful of celery
  • Place everything into a large stock pot or slow cooker. 
  • Bring to a boil, skimming off any foamy particles that rise. 
  • Simmer on low - if possible ALL day and night. 
  • Drain broth and discard the bones. Save any remaining meat or cartilage to mix with food. 
Store broth in the refrigerator for up to 1 week or freeze in containers, proportioned freezer bags or ice cube trays for about 5-6 months. 

Allow the broth to  cool in the refrigerator for a few hours. You should notice a hard layer of fat on top. Remove this and compost.

Underneath the fat you should find your broth is a jelly type consistency this is from the collagen in the bone marrow.

If you want to really increase the gelatin in your broth, add chicken feet!

It is always best to start small when introducing a new food to your pet.
For cats: 1 tsp daily is plenty (freezing in ice cube trays will be best for this). 
For dogs: Start with 1-2 tablespoons once daily or every other day. Monitor your pet's response and slowly increase to 1/8 cup for small dogs and 1/4 cup for medium to large dogs. 

Bone broth is full of minerals that will strengthen the kidneys, nourish the bones, joints, spinal cord and nervous system. The collagen strengthens the elasticity of the skin, the bladder and even the gut, especially in cases of Inflammatory Bowel Disease. 

Take some time to make this delicious recipe this winter, you won't regret it! 

Be Well,
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Birmingham, AL 35242
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